Sunday, November 24, 2019

Critically analyse the ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults. The WritePass Journal

Critically analyse the ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults. Abstract Critically analyse the ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults. : 47). As personalisation is contrary to this, problems are likely to arise since social workers are required to develop creative ways of working by a critical, politicised and geographical view of our culturally plural society (Gardner, 2011: 30). This is much more difficult to achieve when adopting the personalisation agenda as social workers are required to take a step back and allow vulnerable adults to take control. HCPC standards, legislation policy and guidance The current HCPC standards that are required of social workers are also likely to conflict with the personalisation agenda since social workers are required to act in the best interests of their service users (HCPC, 2012: 3). Accordingly, enabling vulnerable adults to live independently may not be acting in their best interests as certain individuals will require constant supervision and will need the help and support from social workers. Hence, even if it appears as though a person is capable of taking control of their own life, this may not always be the case and so it is important that social workers continue to take a pro-active role in the lives of vulnerable adults. Thus, under the No Secrets (Adult Protection) guidance managers with the responsibility of overseeing and supervising the investigation of, and response to, adult abuse are required to ensure that all appropriate agencies are involved in the investigation and the provision of support, and that good standards of prac tices are maintained (Department of Health, 2000: 16). However, personalisation is likely to have an impact on such responsibilities as it will require a change in the way welfare services are being delivered and the ways vulnerable adults are being supervised. Direct Payments, Exploitation and Fairer Charges As personalisation allows the individual to have a greater choice, the government will have less control over individual budgets. Accordingly, those in need of care will thus have a choice whether to accept direct payments in order to purchase their own social care services or allow local authorities to arrange their care (MNDA, 2010: 2). Whilst it has been said that this new approach helps those in need of care to attain a program suited to their individual needs (Age UK, 2013: 1), this can actually have dangerous consequences. This is because the service user may be at risk of abuse   and exploitation by family members and unscrupulous carers (8). However, provided that this risk can be managed appropriately it has been said that the personalisation agenda may actually provide individuals with a fairer charging system (Duffy, 2011: 4). However, this will not be the case for everyone and whilst some individuals may end up with a better deal, others may be expected to meet the cost s of their care themselves. Arguably, whilst this system is workable in meeting the needs of certain individuals, it may actually penalise others. In addition, as put by (The Policy Press, 2011: 96) it increases the costs of disability, encourages institutionalisation and works against independent living and person-centred support. This is not what was intended by the establishment of the personalisation agenda and unless these inherent risks can be managed, it is likely that vulnerable adults will suffer.   Conclusion Overall, it is evident that the personalisation agenda is likely to have a significant impact upon the ways in which vulnerable adults are likely to be protected in the future. This is because, the main objectives of personalisation are to enable vulnerable adults to take control of their own lives and live independently. This agenda, nevertheless, conflicts with the current practices that are being adopted by social workers in protecting vulnerable adults and as a result of this many changes are likely to be required. Whilst it is clear that a balance needs to be struck, it is likely that this will prove extremely complex when trying to put this into practice. Yet, it remains to be seen, if any, what measure will be taken by social workers in ensuring that the personalisation agenda is being employed, whilst at the same time maintaining the protection of vulnerable adults. References Age UK. (2013) Personal Budgets More control over Your Care, [Online], Available: [13 January 2014]. Carr, S. (2010) SCIE Report: Enabling risk, ensuring safety: Self-directed support and personal budgets Enabling Risk and Personal Budgets, Social Care Institute for Excellence. Department of Health. (2000) No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse Home Office. Department of Health. (2007) Putting People First; A shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care HM Government. [Online], Available: [10 January 2014]. Department of Health   (2009) Transforming Adult Social Care Local Authority Circular. Duffy, S. (2011) A Fair Society and the Limits of Personalisation. Sheffield: Centre for Welfare Reform. Gardner, A. (2011) Personalisation in Social Work, SAGE, Social Science. Gray, A. M. and Birrell, D. (2013) Transforming Adult Social Care, The Policy Press. HCPC. (2012) Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics Health Care Professions Council, Your duties as a registrant, [Online], Available:,performanceandethics.pdf [10 January 2014]. Hopton. J. (2012) Anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice; A radical humanist psychology perspective Critical Social Policy, volume 17, no. 52. IPC. (2010) Safeguarding vulnerable adults through better commissioning A Discussion Paper for Commissioners of Adult Social Care, Institute of Public Care. Lansley, A. (2010) Speech to the 5th International Carers Conference The Royal Armouries, Leeds. MNDA. (2010) Direct Payments and Personalisation, Information Sheet No 22B, [Online], Available: [13 January 2014]. The Policy Press. 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